Sunday, March 22, 2009


Wahai bangsa Melayu bangsaku, kekuatan orang Melayu bukan pada bangsa dan bukan pada semangat kebangsaan Melayu. Perjuangan ini telah kita lalui terutama sejak merdeka semangat Melayulah yang kita laungkan selalu. Hasilnya juga telah kita tahu.

Begitu lama perjuangan kita atas nama Melayu semakin layu, ekonomi sahaja pun belum selesai lagi hingga kini. Padahal keistimewaan-keistimewaan telah diberi kepada orang Melayu lebih dari perlu hingga bangsa lain iri hati. Namun ekonomi masih terkebelakang lagi, kecuali setengah individu Melayu.

Di segi pendidikan dan pelajaran kita bangga di satu segi iaitu selepas merdeka ramai orang Melayu yang pandai dan cerdik, ramai yang ada degri tapi orang Melayu yang pandai tidak mampu berdikari kecuali makan gaji. Ramai yang berilmu tidak ramai yang tawadhuk dan merendah diri. Orang pandai sikap hidup nafsi-nafsi, fikir diri, yang miskin disuruh kerajaan membela sedangkan orang-orang pandai berdiam diri, tidak peduli.

Di segi politik pula semakin ke hujung semakin tidak stabil, politik wang dan jatuh-menjatuhkan menjadi budaya dan menjadi-jadi. Di sudut perpaduan jauh daripada yang dikehendaki. Bukan sahaja perpaduan bangsa belum terjadi perpaduan di dalam parti pun belum terjadi lagi.Hakikat ini kita terpaksa akui.

Ada satu aspek yang ini memang kita berpuas hati iaitu kemajuan di bidang pembangunan amat pesat yang ini kita berpuas hati. Di bidang ini dunia memang akui bahkan iri hati tapi side effect yang negatifnya hasil pembangunan sangat menakutkan. Orang Melayulah yang ramai terlibat dengan gejala yang negatif itu. Dadah orang Melayulah yang ramai terlibat, rasuah orang Melayu yang ramai, budaya lepak anak-anak Melayulah yang banyak.Gangsterisme di sekolah anak Melayu jugalah yang ramai terjebak, sumbang muhram, buang bayi, orang Melayulah yang banyak. Terjebak dengan skin head, black metal, dan budaya liar anak Melayu yang ramai.

Belum lagi kita perkatakan jenayah ragut, ugut, rokok Melayulah yang ramai. Jenayah berat seperti rogol, bunuh, pergaduhan, murtad anak Melayu juga yang ramai. Kes-kes rumahtangga, cerai-berai, tidak bertanggungjawab terhadap keluarga orang Melayu nombor one.

Setelah kita paparkan gejala yang tidak sihat di kalangan orang Melayu bolehkah kita tolak?

Sudah tentu kita terpaksa menerima dengan penuh malu dan dukacitanya dan ini adalah hasil perjuangan orang Melayu dengan semangat kebangsaannya bukan! Sebenarnya kekuatan orang Melayu bukan pada semangat Melayunya. Orang Melayu ada Tuhan, ada Islam di sinilah kekuatan Melayu seperti orang Arab di zaman Rasul menjadi empayar mereka tidak memperjuangkan bangsa Arab.Tetapi mereka memperjuangkan Tuhan dan Islam akhirnya bangsa Arab terbela. Bangsa Turki menjadi empayar bukan mereka memperjuangkan bangsa Turki mereka memperjuangkan Tuhan dan Islam akhirnya bangsa Turki terbela.

Mengapa orang Melayu tidak belajar dengan sejarah ini?!Orang Melayu ada Tuhan, ada Islam. Mngapa orang Melayu tidak perjuangkan Tuhan dan Islam? Kalau orang Melayu memperjuangkan Tuhan dan Islam orang Melayu dengan sendiri terbela. Bahkan sekali lagi saya perkatakan buat orang Melayu di akhir zaman ada janji Tuhan. Janji Tuhan itu ialah orang Melayu akan jadi empayar dunia melalui Islam. Inikan khabar gembira buat orang Melayu dari Tuhan. Formulanya perjuangkan Tuhan dan Islam cara hidup, Melayu akan terbela. Seperti bangsa Arab, Kurdis dan Turki mereka mulia kerana Tuhan dan Islam akhirnya bangsa mereka terbela.

Diambil dari

Friday, March 13, 2009

Science fails to explain GOD

"At an educational institution: Professing to be wise, they became fools .... "LET ME EXPLAIN THE problem science has with God." The atheist professor of philosophy pauses before his class and then asks one of his new students to stand."You're a Muslim, aren't you, son?"

Yes, sir." "So you believe in God?"....."Absolutely."
"Is God good?"
"Sure! God's good."
"Is God all-powerful? Can God do anything?"
The professor grins knowingly and considers for a moment.
"Here's one for you. Let's say there's a sick person over here and you can cure him. You can do it. Would you help them? Would you try?"
"Yes sir, I would."
"So you're good...!"
"I wouldn't say that."
Why not say that? You would help a sick and maimed person if you could
in fact most of us would if we could... God doesn't.
[No answer]
He doesn't, does he? My brother was a Muslim who died of cancer even though he prayed to God to heal him. How is this God good? Hmmm? Can you answer that one?"
[No answer]
The elderly man is sympathetic. "No, you can't, can you?" He takes a sip of water from a glass on his desk to give the student time to relax.
In philosophy, you have to go easy with the new ones.
Let's start again, young fella."
"Is God good?"
Er... Yes."
"Is Satan good?"
"Where does Satan come from?" The student falters.
From... God...
That's right. God made Satan, didn't he? The elderly man runs his bony fingers through his thinning hair and turns to the smirking, student audience.
"I think we're going to have a lot of fun this semester, ladies and gentlemen."
He turns back to the Muslim. "Tell me, son. Is there evil in this world?"
"Yes, sir."
"Evil's everywhere, isn't it? Did God make everything?"
Who created evil?
[No answer]
Is there sickness in this world? Immorality? Hatred? Ugliness? All the terrible things - do they exist in this world?"
The student squirms on his feet. "Yes."
Who created them? "
[No answer]
The professor suddenly shouts at his student.
The professor closes in for the kill and climbs into the Muslim's face.
In a still small voice: "God created all evil, didn't He, son?"
[No answer]
The student tries to hold the steady, experienced gaze and fails. Suddenly the lecturer breaks away to pace the front of the classroom
like an aging panther.
The class is mesmerised.
"Tell me," he continues,How is it that this God is good if He created all evil throughout all time?
The professor swishes his arms around to encompass the wickedness of the world.
All the hatred, the brutality, all the pain, all the torture, all the death and ugliness and all the suffering created by this good God is
all over the world, isn't it, young man?
[No answer]
Don't you see it all over the place? Huh?
"Don't you?"
The professor leans into the student's face again and whispers, Is God good?"
[No answer]
"Do you believe in God, son?"
The student's voice betrays him and cracks.
"Yes, professor. I do."
The old man shakes his head sadly. "Science says you have five senses you use to identify and observe the world around you. You have never seen God, Have you?
"No, sir. I've never seen Him."
"Then tell us if you've ever heard your God?"
"No, sir. I have not."
"Have you ever felt your God, tasted your God or smelt your fact,do you have any sensory perception of your God whatsoever?"
[No answer]
"Answer me, please."
"No, sir, I'm afraid I haven't."
"You're AFRAID... you haven't?"
"No, sir."
"Yet you still believe in him?"
"That takes FAITH!" The professor smiles sagely at the underling. According to the rules of empirical, testable, demonstrable protocol, science says your God doesn't exist. What do you say to that, son?
Where is your God now?"
[The student doesn't answer]
"Sit down, please."
The Muslim sits...Defeated.
Another Muslim raises his hand. "Professor, may I address the class?"
The professor turns and smiles. "Ah, another Muslim in the vanguard!
Come,come, young man. Speak some proper wisdom to the gathering."
The Muslim looks around the room. "Some interesting points you are making, sir. Now I've got a question for you.
"Is there such thing as heat?"
Yes, the professor replies. "There's heat."
"Is there such a thing as cold?"
"Yes, son, there's cold too."
"No, sir, there isn't."
The professor's grin freezes. The room suddenly goes very cold. The second Muslim continues.
You can have lots of heat, even more heat, super-heat, mega-heat, white heat, a little heat or no heat but we don't have anything called 'cold'.
We can hit 458 degrees below zero, which is no heat, but we can't go any further after that. There is no such thing as cold, otherwise we would be able to go colder than 458 - - You see, sir, cold is only a word we use to describe the absence of heat. We cannot measure cold.
"Heat we can measure in thermal units because heat is energy. Cold is not the opposite of heat, sir, just the absence of it."
A pin drops somewhere in the classroom.
"Is there such a thing as darkness, professor?"
"That's a dumb question, son. What is night if it isn't darkness?
What are you getting at...?
"So you say there is such a thing as darkness?"
"You're wrong again, sir. Darkness is not
something, it is the absence of something. You can have low light, normal light, bright light,
flashing light but if you have no light constantly you have nothing and it's called darkness, isn't it? That's the meaning we use to define the word. In reality, Darkness isn't. If it were, you would
be able to make darkness darker and give me a jar of it.
Can you...give me a jar of darker darkness, professor?"
Despite himself, the professor smiles at the young effrontery before him.This will indeed be a good semester.
"Would you mind telling us what your point is, young man?"
"Yes, professor. My point is, your philosophical premise is flawed to start with and so your conclusion must be in error...."
"The professor goes toxic. "Flawed...? How dare you...!"
"Sir, may I explain what I mean?"
The class is all ears.
"Explain... oh, explain..." The professor makes an admirable effort to regain control. Suddenly he is affability itself.
He waves his hand to silence the class, for the student to continue.
"You are working on the premise of duality," the Muslim explains. That for example there is life and then there's death; a good God and a bad God. You are viewing the concept of God as something finite,
something we can measure. Sir, science cannot even explain a thought. It uses electricity and magnetism but has never seen, much less
fully understood them. To view death as the opposite of life is to be ignorant of the fact that death cannot exist as a substantive thing.
"Death is not the opposite of life, merely the absence of it." The young man holds up a newspaper he takes from the desk of a neighbour who has been reading it.
"Here is one of the most disgusting tabloids this country hosts, professor. Is there such a thing as immorality?"
"Of course there is, now look..."
"Wrong again, sir. You see, immorality is merely the absence of morality. Is there such thing as injustice? No." Injustice is the absence of justice. Is there such a thing as evil?"The Muslim pauses.
"Isn't evil the absence of good?"
The professor's face has turned an alarming colour. He is so angry he is temporarily speechless.
The Muslim continues. "If there is evil in the world, professor, and we all agree there is, then God, if he exists, must be accomplishing a work through the agency of evil.
What is that work, God is accomplishing? Islam tells us it is to see if each one of us will, choose good over evil."
The professor bridles. "As a philosophical scientist, I don't vie this matter as having anything to do with any choice; as a realist, I absolutely do not recognize the concept of God or any other
theological factor as being part of the world equation because God is not observable."
"I would have thought that the absence of God's moral code in this world is probably one of the most observable phenomena going," the
Muslim replies.
"Newspapers make billions of dollars reporting it every week! Tell me, professor. Do you teach your students that they evolved from a monkey?"
"If you are referring to the natural evolutionary process, young man, yes,of course I do."
"Have you ever observed evolution with your own eyes, sir?"
The professor makes a sucking sound with his teeth and gives his student a silent, stony stare.
"Professor. Since no-one has ever observed the process of evolution at work and cannot even prove that this process is an on-going endeavour,
are you not teaching your opinion, sir? Are you now not a scientist, but a priest?"
"I will overlook your impudence in the light of our
philosophical discussion. Now, have you quite finished?" the professor hisses.
"So you don't accept God's moral code to do what is righteous?"
"I believe in what is - that's science!"
"Ahh! SCIENCE!" the student's face splits into a grin.
"Sir, you rightly state that science is the study of observed phenomena. Science too is a premise which is flawed..."
"SCIENCE IS FLAWED..?" the professor splutters.
The class is in uproar.The Muslim remains standing until the commotion has subsided.
"To continue the point you were making earlier to the other student, may I give you an example of what I mean?"
The professor wisely keeps silent. The Muslim looks around the room.
"Is there anyone in the class who has ever seen air, Oxygen, molecules, atoms, the professor's brain?"
The class breaks out in laughter. The Muslim points towards his elderly, crumbling tutor.
Is there anyone here who has ever heard the professor's brain... felt the professor's brain, touched or smelt the professor's brain?"
No one appears to have done so. The Muslim shakes his head sadly. It appears no-one here has had any sensory perception of the professor's brain whatsoever. Well, according to the rules of empirical, stable, demonstrable protocol, science, I DECLARE that the professor has NO BRAIN." hahahahahhaaaaa



There is no compulsion in religion; truly the right way has become clearly distinct from error; And he who rejects false deities and believes in Allaah(The God) has grasped a firm handhold which will never break. and Allaah is ALL-Hearing, All-Knowing(256)

Allah is the Protecting Guardian of those who believe. He brings them out of the darkness into the light; As for those who disbelieve, their
guardians are false deities. They bring them out of light into darkness...(257)"

AL-QUR'AAN (CHAPTER # 2, VERSES # 256-257) They are much nicer and more sound in Arabic)

The Muslim sits... Because that is what a chair is for!!!

copied from od.html

Thursday, March 12, 2009

The miracle of Al-Quran

The miracle, the Quran
Read the miracle, o brothers and sisters, to increase your iman
read the Quran
Here's a fact for the ones who are keener
92 surahs revealed in Mecca , 22 in Medinah
Read it every day and to read it be proud
The word Quran means to read it aloud

Read the book from the Lord of the worlds
Over 6,000 verses and 77,000 words
Read with respect, no disturbance, no laughters
from Al Fatiha to An Naas, all 114 chapters

And in it 14 times you need to prostrate
And say Allah ho Akbar, meaning Allah is great
In this book, 25 prophets are mentioned by name
Who came at different times but their message was the same

This miracle was revealed over a 23 year span
Sent from Allah (swt), to an angel and then to a man
That man was Muhammad (saw) the best of creation
And we are proud to be part of his nation
He gave us a message and that was Islam
So read this miracle, read the Quran

To My Mother through Allah

By Fareed Pandor

Mother was always there,
But when you took her away from me,
She was gone: - GONE SHE WAS!!!
I became a lost Muslim and my world was upside down,

Oh Allah, I distanced from you thinking I’ll find happiness,
Every time I tried to find happiness, I crashed into the wall,
But when I turned to you, I grew to love you,
Now I find peace in my heart,

Oh Allah, Ya Allah, Oh my Rab,
No matter what do you do: I am pleased with you…
If you give me good: Alhamdulillah!!!
If you give me bad: I am still pleased with you…

Oh Allah, Ya Allah, Oh my Rab,
I am pleased with you because everything you do happens for a reason

Mother was fair and kind,
Sweet and good hearted she was: - YES SHE WAS!!!

Over and over I realize what you mean to me.
I lost my self when I lost my mother.
(Innalillahi WA inna ely he-rao geeoon),
Oh Allah, give me strength to surpass this feeling.

But until then,
Oh Allah, Ya Allah, Oh my Rab,
No matter what do you do: I am pleased with you…
If you give me good: Alhamdulillah!!!
If you give me bad: I am still pleased with you…
Oh Allah, Ya Allah, Oh my Rab,
I am pleased with you because everything you do happens for a reason

Mother was the bravest of bravest: - YES SHE WAS!!!
Now that she’s gone, I follow her footsteps.
How I wish she was here,
I’d be kissing her cheeks and massaging her feet because,
Paradise for me lies beneath her feet.

Even though she is gone, her love will always haunt me.
Oh Allah, Ya Allah, Oh my Rab,
No matter what do you do: I am pleased with you…
If you give me good: Alhamdulillah!!!

If you give me bad: I am still pleased with you…
Oh Allah, Ya Allah, Oh my Rab,
I am pleased with you because everything you do happens for a reason

So those of you’s who have mothers,
I envy you my brothers and sisters: - Alhamdulillah!!!
Look after your mothers because,
You don’t know what it feels like to lose your mother. NO YOU DON’T!!!

Oh Allah, Oh my Rab, Ya Allah,
You have nothing to lose,
In giving my mother a Garden of Roses in her grave. NO YOU DON”T!!!
To my mother through Allah, may you rest in peace (R.I.P)

Oh Allah, Ya Allah, Oh my Rab,
No matter what do you do: I am pleased with you…
If you give me good: Alhamdulillah!!!
If you give me bad: I am still pleased with you…
Oh Allah, Ya Allah, Oh my Rab,
I am pleased with you because everything you do happens for a reason.